Press Releases/ Announcement

聲明啟事 Public Statement

Public Statement

Sep 5, 2024

Recently, we have discovered that some unscrupulous individuals have been impersonating us on social media platforms to conduct fraudulent activities involving investments and stock trading. To protect the rights and interests of the investors and the general public, we hereby make the following solemn statement and reminders:

1. 本公司為非公開發行公司,股票尚未在公開市場流通
We are Not Publicly Traded, and Its Shares are Not Circulating in the Open Market

We are dedicated to the research and development of next-generation solid-state batteries and has not conducted any public stock offerings to date. Therefore, any claims regarding the trading or investment in our company’s shares are false.

2. 本公司未委託任何第三方進行股票交易或投資邀約
We Have Not Authorized Any Third Party to Conduct Stock Trading or Investment Invitations

We have not authorized or entrusted any third party to act on our behalf for stock trading or to issue investment invitations. Any activities of this nature conducted in our company’s name are illegal. Please remain vigilant and do not fall victim to these scams.

3. 已採取法律行動,歡迎提供相關線索
Legal Action Has Been Taken, Relevant Information Is Welcome

We have reported this matter to the police and will fully cooperate with the authorities in their investigation. If you or anyone you know has any information related to these fraudulent activities or has been contacted with suspicious messages, please contact our company or the police immediately to help us combat these crimes.

We strongly urge all investors and the general public to remain cautious and avoid becoming victims of fraud. If you have any questions, please verify through our official channels or contact the 165 Anti-Fraud Hotline.

We will continue to monitor the development of this incident and reserves the right to take legal action to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the company and our investors. We sincerely appreciate your continued support and trust in our company.

If you have any questions or need to provide information, please feel free to contact us.

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